Produce Secrets

Ever wondered if you could tell the difference between GMO produce and organic? Look at the infographic below to learn what their produce code reveals about them. Use this info to avoid produce with potentially harmful pesticides…GroceryCodes

Look at the lists below, so you know which produce should be grown at home or given extra care when washing or preparing them.


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6 Replies to “Produce Secrets”

  1. All of this is helpful of course and we eat only organically raised foods, but how can we be sure that a conventionally grown fruit or vegetable is not Genetically Modified? Because it doesn’t have a produce code starting with an “8” doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe to eat and that it isn’t a GMO produce…or does it? I never see an “8” number in my Grocery store and I often wonder if they are doing a good job to keep out the GMO produce or they just don’t know!

    1. No company will voluntarily label its produce with an 8 bar code, such as potatoes, papaya, corn, canola or soy, and with the new Dark Act that Obama just signed into law, companies can hide the info in a bar code for which you need a special app. Your only recourses are the USDA Organic green and yellow label or Non GMO Project certified with the butterfly label. Even then there may be traces of GMO or pesticide residue. The Clean 15 above include papaya and corn which may likely be GMO. The Dirty Dozen include potato which may be GMO. The lists are only for pesticides. It’s a veritable jungle out there with canola and soy bean oil at restaurants, so my friend brings her own soy sauce/tamari and olive oils when she eats out and asks the restaurants to cook with her ingredients!! I mostly avoid eating out or endure the GMO food hangover the next day!

      1. you are totally right. who knows what the products really are GMO or full with pesticides. It is terrible that the Dark Act was passed. They do not have that right we the people have the right to know what we are eating.
        there are more than 250 products that are GMO’s red beets, wheat (96% of the world) soy (98% ), corn (98%) potatoes, papayas, pinaples, green and red peppers, etc etc… and once they became GMO producers, they don’t go back. It will take at least 5 years before that land can be reuse again.

        1. Sorry not red beets, but sugar beets, which means our sugar is actually GMO if the label does not read cane sugar which is sprayed big time with Roundup. Not red or green peppers or pineapples which may be hybrid, but not GMO.
          Please get your facts straight before posting or you will mislead people. Yellow crookneck squash and zucchini MAY be GMO, better to buy organic. Potatoes buy organic because the Simplot GMO potato may show up as Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet or Atlantic which you will never know buying French fries, which by the way are cooked in canola or soy bean oil, which is GMO. Check out Seeds of Truth Facebook for the latest news.

  2. Ethan: you are really instructing me on the good and bad of different produce. I never heard of the different codes and how they are used for each type of produce. This is very interesting.
    Keep up the good information for me.

    Love, Grandma

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