Making Pemmican At Home

Pemmican is a dehydrated survival superfood that is nutritionally complete and incredibly long-lasting. It is made with nothing else but lean meat, tallow, and berries. It was invented by the North American Plains Indians, as a way Screenshot (36)to store the meat through the winter. It quickly caught on with early Frontiersmen and even British explorers who prized the high nutritional value and portability of pemmican. It’s effortless to make, and you can do so using ingredients that are easy to find and equipment you already have in your kitchen.

The recipe for pemmican is from the book ‘The Lost Ways’, which is an pimmican-video-2
eye-opening guide to survival arts we have long forgotten. The SHTF situation we are preparing for, was everyday life for folks who lived 150 years ago.

Many DIY survival foods involve complicated ingredients and are rarely nutritionally complete. But pemmican has all the nutrients you need.

Click the link below to learn how to make it, and in no time you’ll have yourself a hearty ration of all you’ll need to keep yourself and your family alive. 

 Watch this short video and learn how to make your own pemmican right at home:


9 Replies to “Making Pemmican At Home”

  1. I had ordered the physical book ” the Lost Ways” a few months ago, but have not received it. Could you check to see if it was actually sent? Thank you!

      1. I ordered and received the book, The Lost Ways, but was diappointed, because I thought it would be filled with numerous recipes like the one abt pemmican but there was a bunch of info you can find for free online. Overall, not worth the high price!

    1. My grandmother made this many times, it helps break up chest congestion. This makes a lot of dry mix, but it can be put in mason jars and kept for future use:
      1 cup mustard powder
      6 cups flour
      Sift together several times to be sure they are well combined and put in jars with tight lids.

      To use:
      Take a large square, about 36″, of thick soft cloth, flannel works best. Make a paste with 1/4 to 1/2 cup dry mix and 1 Tablespoon to 1/4 cup of water, thicker is better, depending on size of plaster you need. Fold cloth in half. Spread paste on center of the cloth, about 10″ to 15″ square and fold other parts of cloth over. Warm the mustard plaster in the oven or microwave, just until about 100 degrees or a little warmer, you don’t want it hot enough to burn the skin. Place on chest and leave about 20 minutes. Check under plaster about every five minutes. If skin gets red, remove and wash area and apply lotion. If the plaster is left on too long, the skin may blister, and some people are more sensitive to the mustard than others. If using on a child, add 1/2 cup more flour to the mix and do not leave on skin more than 10 to 15 minutes.
      My grandmother had an old flannel blanket that she cut up into squares and kept strictly for plasters.

  2. I need more info on how to get safe water in the event of a crisis. That is my biggest concern. They say a human can only go without water for 3 days.

    1. After Katrina, I did a lot of research. The best I could find is the Berkey water purification system. Check out No plumbing, no electricity needed, just gravity and water, any water. The Berkey units purify water, not just filter it. They also make a sport bottle with a purifier in it. I carry one with me everywhere. If I break down on the road, as long as I can find a mud puddle or ditch with some water in it, I can be sure that the Berkey bottle will get rid of ag chemicals, heavy metals, radon, Chromium 6, viruses, pathogens, bacteria, parasites, etc. It leaves in the minerals the body needs, so it will not desalinate. Hope this helps.

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