Easy Poison Ivy Remedy

Poison ivy is such a drag to get. It can debilitate you almost as much as an actual injury. Depending on where you get it on your body, it can make it difficult and even painful to move and get work done, and especially for little ones, can make life very uncomfortable. The uncontrollable itchiness makes it hard to heal, also, as resisting the urge to scratch can be very difficult.

There are a number of good poison ivy remedies out there, but I love this one because it is super simple, very cheap to make and will last you a long time. It’s the kind of thing you can make a big batch of and leave in your medicine cabinet for years, always ready to use.

It is a remedy that is best made ahead of time, but there’s also a quick shortcut if you need it on the spot, which I’ll include at the bottom. Let’s begin:


1 quart raw organic apple cider vinegar (you probably won’t use all of this)

1-2 bunches fresh organic sage

1-2 bunches fresh organic plantain herb

1 quart mason jar with lid

*A quick note on plantain: this herb (not to be confused with plantain fruit) is most commonly found growing in your yard rather than in your herb garden or grocery store, so to ensure you do have “organic”, pick some that you know has not been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides. If you can’t find any plantain, it can easily be omitted or replaced with an equal amount of sage if desired. 


  1. Wash and dry your herbs, the chop roughly. You want to make sure every leaf is cut at least once, but it doesn’t have to be diced. You can also put them in a blender with a little apple cider vinegar to make sure the essential oils in the herbs are properly released.
  2. Stuff your herbs into the mason jar.
  3. Cover the herbs with the apple cider vinegar, making sure there are no air bubbles in between the leaves. You can ensure this by pressing down on the herbs with a wooden spoon, releasing any air bubbles (here’s the cheat if you need this ready faster: heat up your apple cider vinegar and then steep the herbs in the hot vinegar as you would tea, then proceed to step 5)
  4. Cover and store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks.
  5. After your waiting period (or when the mixture has cooled, if you are doing the quick version), strain out the herbs and return to the jar, or a smaller jar if needed, for storage.
  6. Dab the mixture gently onto the infected area as needed, using a cotton ball or soft cotton cloth. This will sting a bit when applied, but it is incredibly effective!

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One Reply on “Easy Poison Ivy Remedy”



    Make a pot of strong tea…apply directly to burn (make a compress of cotton-balls, wrap around with gauze tape to hold in place) relief is,almost, instantaneous!!!

    My daughter fell asleep whilst sun-bathing & was sun-burned BADLY!!! I filled the bath tub with hot tea, reduced temp. to temperate . Daughter relaxed in tub as pain subsided…virtually NO BLISTERING!!!

    Tannic acid in tea is miracle ingredient!!!

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