Tips for Gardening on a Slope  


For most gardeners, space is a major limiting factor, these means that you have to make the most out of every square foot you have, whether it’s ideal or not.  One less than ideal situation you might have is a slope, which many would leave unplanted and unproductive.  While slopes do pose some real difficulties, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the natural difficulties and take advantage of potential benefits from growing on a slope.


  • If the slope is orientated so that it faces the sun you are in luck, your slope will maximize the amount of light available to your crops. If your slope produces shade you will need to grow crops that reach heights that allow them to access the light, trellising may work, or you may want to grow trees.
  • Always use heavy mulch on slopes and never leave soil exposed, exposed soil on a slope will be easily eroded by rain or irrigation.
  • Grow the crops that can tolerate drying out or that require the most sun at the top of the slope and crops that are heavier feeders at the bottom.
  • Planting perrineals will reduce the amount of work you need to do on the slope which can be physically difficult if the slope is steep, and will be a risk of erosion.
  • Using construction stakes and planks of wood, or natural onsite material, you can make terraces that will both decrease the rate of erosion and make it more comfortable to work. Simply drive the stakes in, screw the planks to the stakes, and fill in the empty space with dirt from above.  Then place another set of stakes and planks against the exposed area where you removed the dirt from to support the slope above it.

Don’t let the terrain available to you limit your garden.  With some innovation you can take advantage of nearly any ground do grow food and in some cases even benefit from what others would see as a disadvantage.

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