Mother of Four Builds House From YouTube Video Instructions

These days, we all rely on the internet for literally everything. I personally believe that YouTube instruction videos are one of the greatest inventions of all time (seriously!). It is such an incredible thing to be able to search for a video to help you out with a confusing or intimidating project, and homesteaders know this better than anyone! Whether you want to learn how to build cold frames, shear a sheep, or birth a baby cow, YouTube has videos for pretty much everything.

Still, it might surprise you to learn what this incredibly ambitious mother of four did, using YouTube videos. A few years ago, single mother Cara Brookins was trying to rebuild her life for her and her four children after escaping an abusive marriage. She didn’t have enough money to buy them a house, but she could afford a small plot of land.

Determined to provide her family with a home, she and her children got to work. Using YouTube videos as a reference, they mixed their own cement, lay the foundation, raised the walls, and built their own house, all by hand.

Such an incredible story! Now Brookins and her four children have their own home, and are the picture of independence.

Check it out!

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