DIY Liquid Hand Soap

I am all about ways to make value-added products like liquid hand soap yourself to save money and reduce exposure to harmful perfumes and toxins.

Liquid hand soap is a really great DIY because you can re-use old hand soap pumps, or if you put them in a pretty container they make great and meaningful holiday gifts.

The ingredients are simple and easy to adjust for scents that you prefer. Using essential oils of choice, you can mimic your favorite soap scents or create ones! Let’s get started:


Two 5oz bars of castile soap

Essential oils of choice

One gallon distilled water


  1. Grate up the bar soap using a box grater or the grate attachment of a food processor. The finer the better, but whatever you have will do. You can even shave off pieces if you like, this is the old-fashioned way, but it will take considerably longer.
  2. Heat up your distilled water in a large pot until it is nice and hot, doesn’t need to be boiling but definitely very hot
  3. Stir in the grated soap and stir slowly and consistently until all the soap is dissolved. If your grater was able to grate the soap very finely, it will dissolve quickly, or, if the soap was grated into larger pieces, it might take a bit longer.
  4. Once the soap is fully melted, remove from heat and set aside for 12-15 hours. You can stir it occasionally if you like, but don’t fret too much about it. It will thicken over this period of time as it cools.
  5. Finally, add your essential oils, as much or as little as you like.
  6. Pour your liquid soap into smaller containers. You can reuse old pump soap containers, or, for something very stylish and pretty for gifts, you can either make your own pump top for mason jars or use small oil bottles with metal tops, like the type you see fancy artisan olive oil in.

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3 Replies to “DIY Liquid Hand Soap”

  1. I thought the 3 ingredients would be lye, distilled water, and pig fat (or beef fat, or olive oil). making homemade soap is really easy. The only have to’s are great ventilation, lye has an odor once added to water that you don’t want to breath in- dangerous. and dedicated bowls, etc…that are only used for making soap. mixing time, about 10 minutes +/- with a stick blender. beef fat soap is great for laundry detergent. Pig fat soap is great for body/hand lotion. You can add essential oils to smell it up. I don’t bother, the soaps work REALLY well on their own.

    1. When making my laundry soap, you have to ‘melt’ the beef fat soap chunks, a stick blender is a must for this, blend (you will hear the ticking sound of the soap getting hit)about 1 minute or so, timer for 10 minutes and do it again, 10 more minutes and blend again, you want to hear NO sound except for the blender. at this point you can remove from low heat and let cool. I am all for homemade, I just like to streamline the process to least amount of work to get it done. hope this helps.

      Also, if you find that your blend is chunky or grainy, you didn’t ‘melt’ all of the soap. just put back into the pot and reheat, low/med, and re blend, wait 10, blend, 10, blend etc… until you are sure that the soap is all dissolved into the water. if you use EO’s, you will have to add more once it cools down as the heat will burn the oils off.

  2. Respected sir
    i am a self depend pastor i have no any business or money making point please pray for me i want be coming a doner of poor.for the Glory of Lord Jesus Christ.

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