Tag: compost

Back to Eden Gardening Explained

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Last week, we shared a video from YouTubers Deep South Homestead of their “Back to Nature” gardening method that they improvised themselves. They got this idea after they tried the Back to Eden gardening method with poor results. This method of gardening may have failed in their area for any number of reasons and their improvisation was ….  Read More

Awesome Compostables You Probably Already Have at Home

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Composting is awesome. You can create your own amazing humus right in your backyard, and there’s  just nothing quite as nutritious for your soil as well-composed, beautiful homemade compost. Once you start composting, you might find you view your kitchen and home as a veritable goldmine! You might not be familiar with how many everyday ….  Read More

Why You Should Be Making Your Own Compost Tea

2 commentsHomesteadingSelf Reliancecompostcompost teagardening

When it comes to a thriving, healthy garden, one of the quintessential components is a good fertilizer, and homemade compost is one the best things you can make. Using kitchen scraps, garden cuttings and locally sourced organic waste like grass clippings, manure, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc., you can-and should-make your own compost pile for ….  Read More