Tag: homesteading skills

Developing Skills Prior to Homesteading

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Given the drastic lifestyle changes inherent in making the transition from typical modern life to homesteading, preparation is a must.  Along with gathering tools and resources, one should not overlook practicing the skills that are soon to be a regular part of your life, but which are typically unfamiliar to those living in suburban or ….  Read More

From Fleece to Yarn (Video Series)

2 commentsHomesteadinghomesteading skillsspinningtraditional homesteadingwool

Some homesteading projects are so much better explained visually, when you can see the whole process, start-to-finish. Shearing sheep, processing the wool and spinning it into yarn is such a classic self-sufficiency skill that, even if you don’t have sheep, you’ll love learning how to do. Just seeing how a brilliantly versatile natural fiber is ….  Read More